Our Vision

What is our vision?

Promote positive conversations about menstruation.

Women and girls need options for managing their periods across their lifetime. Stigma can be tackled through education and awareness-raising. When women and girls come together to talk and learn about menstruation, their health & well-being and confidence in themselves improves.

Provide opportunities for young people to critically reflect on the pervasiveness of gender inequality.

It is paramount to address how gender norms influence children throughout their life-course, from birth to adulthood.

Structural and social root causes of gender inequality can be addressed through education to achieve lasting change for women and girls.

We believe a truly gender transformative education approach is one where we work with young people to embrace positive masculinities, the rights of women and girls, and to promote gender equality.

“In our education programs , we provide a safe space for young people to reflect on the impact of gender norms and how these affect them” NGO partner, UniCoN, Pokhara Nepal

How do we achieve our vision?

Menstrual Health Management-MHM

MHM requires a holistic and human rights approach that is facilitated by women with a similar lived experience.

We work with our local NGO partners in Pune, Maharashtra, India to ensure women and girls have access to MHM delivered by our trained Community Mobilisers who live and work in the same community. Our Community Mobilisers build relationships with women and girls over their life time.

Our Community Mobilisers facilitate MHM information sessions as well as visit the homes of women and girls and explore with them their basic human right to safe, clean, accessible and affordable ways to mange their periods.

Gender Equity Social Action

Our signature approach to tackling damaging gender norms is through our Gender Equity Social Action programs. This is a facilitated group approach in which young people work with our trained Mentors to explore and challenge the social norms that shape their lives, the health of women & girls and the relationships they have with their sisters, mothers, aunties and girl friends.

We work with our local NGO partners in Pokhara, Nepal to deliver Gender Equity Social Action Programs which not only tackle the root causes of gender inequality, but achieve positive social change and gender justice. Our programs address the power inequalities between genders and challenge existing and long-standing gender norms. 

"We believe that entire communities are needed to end injustice and transform discriminatory practice"- NGO partner, ECF, Pune, India

The I Am Woman Project has been developed in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

SDG #3 aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages.

SDG #5 aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.